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Following a flood, we are asking that you support STUNT Gym in our mission to restore our beloved foam pit  by December 5th! We invite you to contribute to our "Fill The Pit" campaign with a donation of $5 per foal block. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal of creating a safe and fun environment for all our athletes.
Your generosity will help us bring back the bounce and excitement to STUNT Gym. Thank you for your support!

Before the flood. Their favorite part of Stunt Gym
Pumping water out of the pit
Wear rainboots to clean out the pit
Cleaning out the damaged foam
Adults Enjoyed it too!

Best Value

1 Foam Block for Fill The Pit Campaign



You are donating a block towards our goal of restoring our foam pit after a flood damaged our foam pit.

Valid for one month

Once Foam Arrives, You will be invited to sign your block

Best Value

12 Foam Blocks donated to Fill The Pit



You are donating 12 Foam Blocks to help us restore our foam pit after we experienced flood damage.

Valid for 47 days

Once foam arrives, You will be invited to sign your blocks

Social media acknowledgement as one of our Pit Partners

Best Value

100 Foam Blocks Donated to Fill the Pit



Your donation would allow us to purchase 100 foam blocks to restore our foam pit that was damaged during a flood.

Valid for 47 days

Your Name listed online & at Gym as one of our PIt Partner

Stunt Shirt with your name/company listed as a Pit Partner

When foam arrives, you will be invited to sign blocks

Social media acknowledgement

We need your help.

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